Ideal Weight Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your ideal weight based on your height, age, and gender. Our calculator employs the Devine formula to provide an accurate and reliable estimate. Learn more about healthy weight ranges and the science behind it below.

What is an Ideal Weight?

The ideal weight is a guideline to help you understand what a healthy weight might look like for your height, gender, and age. It is not a definitive measure of health but a starting point to assess your overall fitness and well-being.

How is it Calculated?

The Devine formula is a widely accepted method for estimating ideal body weight. It considers gender and height to provide a baseline. Adjustments are made based on age for better accuracy.


While the formula provides a useful reference, it does not account for individual factors like muscle mass, bone density, or overall body composition. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Learn more about the science behind ideal weight calculations or healthy lifestyle tips.