Calories Burned Calculator

Use this tool to estimate the number of calories burned during various activities based on your body weight and the duration of the activity. This calculator supports a wide range of activities and allows you to choose different units of measurement.

How Are Calories Burned Calculated?

Calories burned during physical activities depend on factors such as body weight, the intensity of the activity, and the duration of the exercise. This calculator uses MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) values for different activities to estimate the calories burned.

What is MET?

MET stands for Metabolic Equivalent of Task and is a way to quantify the energy expenditure of various activities. A MET of 1 corresponds to the amount of energy you burn while resting. Activities with higher MET values burn more calories per minute.

Activity MET Values

Here are the approximate MET values for some common activities:

Remember, this calculator gives an estimate. The actual calories burned can vary depending on individual factors like age, gender, and fitness level.